Mark 3 in Akateko

1 Ja' yet junel xa, jix oc Jesús yul jun snail sculto eb Israel. Ey jun naj sicbinaj el jun sk'ab ey ec' titu'.

2 Ey eb jix smaj yila, ta chi wa'xi can sk'ab naj sicbinaj el sk'ab tu' yu Jesús yet sc'ual xewilal tu', catu' chi yak'on queja eb.

3 Catu' jix yalon Jesús tet naj sicbinaj el sk'ab tu' jaxca ti': —Aan linan oj. Ocan linan cu nan ti', ẍi Jesús tet naj.

4 Catu' jix yalon tet eb ánima tu': —¿Beytet junoj ey sleyal kunen yet sc'ual xewilal che na'? ¿Jam tzet watx' chi ske' el kuneni, ma ja' tzet pena? ¿Chim ske' kak'on can wa'xoj sc'ul junoj ya' ey, ma ja' cu bejon cam chi ske'? ẍi naj tet eb. Tz'in xa c'al ẍi eb.

5 Catu' jix ec' t'anan oj naj xol eb tu', jix tit sjowal naj. Jix cus sc'ul yutol caw caw eb. Catu' jix yalon tet naj tu': —Bi eltoj ja k'ab, ẍi Jesús tet naj. Jix sbion eltoj sk'ab naj. Catu' jix wa'xi can oj.

6 Catu' jix eltej eb fariseo tu' sti' na, jix slatinen el sba eb yetoj eb spartido naj Herodes, yu tzet chi yute yak'on cam Jesús eb.

7 Pero ja' naj Jesús, jix to sti' ja' mar Galilea yetoj eb scuywom. Caw ec'al ánima a Galilea jix to yetoj eb.

8 Yutol jix yab sk'umal eb tol caw ey milagro jix yun Jesús, yuxan ec'al eb jix apni sc'atan. Ey eb a Judea, c'al eb a Jerusalén, yetoj eb a Idumea c'al eb a sk'axepaltoj ja' Jordán. Ey eb jix tit scawilal conob Tiro c'al conob Sidón.

9 Yu jun tu', yuxan jix yal Jesús tet eb scuywom, tol listo c'al ye junoj barco yu eb, yet watx' c'am chi witz' oc sba ánima yin naj, yutol ec'al eb.

10 Yutol ec'al eb jix wa'xi sc'ul yu naj. Yu jun tu', yuxan ec'al to c'al eb ya' ey jix bet yak' sba tet.

11 Jal eb pena espíritu xin, ja' yet jix yilon eb yin naj, jix ey kaan eb sattaj, catu' chi yalon eb yin ipal jaxca ti': —Jaachti', Sc'aal jaach Dios, ẍi eb.

12 Pero jix yak' sowalil Jesús tet eb, yet watx' manchej yal eb mac txequel Jesús tu'.

13 Catu' jix to Jesús bey jun wonan. Jix yawten eb jix ẍa' sc'ul yawteni, catu' jix apni eb titu'.

14 Lacawan eb jix yaoc yopiso, yet watx' chi ec' eb yetoj, c'al yu ẍejontoj eb, to yalon el sk'aneal yet colbanile eb.

15 Jix yak'on yopiso eb yak'on wa'xoj sc'ul eb ya' ey, c'al yi'on can el pena espíritu eb yin ánima.

16 Ja' sbi eb ti' slacawanil: Simón, naj jix yij can a Pedro yu Jesús.

17 Yetoj Jacobo, c'al jun yuẍtaj chi yij Juan. Ja' cawan eb ti', sc'aal Zebedeo eb. Jix yij can a eb Boanerges yu Jesús. Ja' jun bie tu', chi yal yel oc apnoj, eb c'un stit sjowal.

18 Ey jun chi yij Andrés, ey jun chi yij Felipe, ey jun chi yij Bartolomé, ey jun chi yij Mateo, ey jun chi yij Tomás, ey jun xa chi yij Jacobo, naj sc'aal Alfeo, ey jun chi yij Tadeo, ey jun xa chi yij Simón. Ja' jun xa Simón ti', ey oc yin spartido eb Cananista yet yalantoj.

19 Ey jun xa xin, ja' ton Judas Iscariote. Ja' ton jun ti', jix aon oc Jesús yul sk'ab camich. Jix lawi jun tu', catu' jix to Jesús bey jun na yetoj eb scuywom.

20 Ec'al ánima jix syamba pax sba junel xa yin eb, yuxan ma xa ske' slow naj yetoj eb scuywom tu'.

21 Ja' yet jix yaben eb yuẍtaj Jesús c'al xutx naj, jix apni eb titu', t'inan xa chi apni yi'toj naj eb, yutol jix tit sloco naj, yalon eb.

22 Ey wan eb cuywam yin sley Moisés jix tit bey conob Jerusalén, jix yalon jaxca ti': —Ja' Beelzebú yaawil eb pena espíritu ey oc yetoj Jesús ti'. Yu jun tu', yuxan chi ske' yi'on el pena espíritu tu' Jesús, ẍi eb.

23 Catu' jix awteletej eb yu Jesús tu'. Catu' jix yalontej wan k'ane tet eb: —Ja' Satanás tu', ¿tumi oj yujte el eb pena espíritu tu'?

24 Chi wal e ex tzet yuxan man oj yun jaxca tu'. K'inaloj chi yak'le a jowal eb ánima bey junoj mimej conob. Ja' jun conob tu', chi lawi ey oj.

25 K'inaloj ta ey junoj nail ánima chi po'cha yu jowal. Chi etex el jun nail ánima tu'.

26 Quey pax ton tu' Satanás xin. K'inaloj ta chi po'cha yetoj eb pena espíritu, catu' chi yak'len jowal yetoj eb, chi uchontoj eb, catu' chi lawi yopiso.

27 K'inaloj junoj winaj, caw ey yip. C'am junoj mac comon c'al oj oc yul sna, catu' oj i'le eltoj settaj yetal. Asantane chi ak'cha ganar pixcha can ey naj sbabelal bian, Jam yet tu', chi ak'cha ganar yi'le eltoj settaj yetal naj tu'.

28 Caw yel chi wal e ex an, yal c'al tzet spenail ánima chi oqui, c'al jantaj spenail chi yal eb yin Dios, oj ak'le miman c'ulal yu Dios.

29 Pero yal c'al mac pena chi yal yin Santo Espíritu, c'am miman c'ulal yin. Chi oc smul oj yin junelne, ẍi Jesús.

30 Quey tu' jix yute yalon jaxca tu', yutol jix yal eb tol pena espíritu ey oc yin naj.

31 Jix apni xutx Jesús yetoj eb yuẍtaj. Asan sti' na jix oc linan eb. Jix yak'on awtele eltej Jesús eb.

32 Catu' ja' eb chotan ey scawilal Jesús, jix alon tet jaxca ti': —Ey ec' ja txutx sti' na yetoj eb ja wuẍtaj. Jaach ab chach seyle ec' yu eb, ẍi eb.

33 Catu' jix yalon tet eb: —¿Mac txequel jin txutx che na', mac txequel eb wuẍtaj an? ẍi naj tet eb.

34 Catu' jix ec' t'anan oj xol-laj eb chotan ey scawilal tu'. Jix yaloni: —Ja' ton eb ti', jaxca jin txutx yei, ja' ton eb ti' jaxca wuẍtaj yei.

35 Yutol yal c'al mac chi jijen jaxca chi yoche sc'ul Dios, ja' ton eb tu' jaxca tol wuẍtaj, jaxca tol wanab, jaxca tol jin txutx eb an, ẍi Jesús.